Big band Quoi de neuf docteur
En attendant la pluie- doc 003 - press

Serge Adam-Big band quoi de neuf docteur-doc003

Jazz Magazine - September 1993


Jazz Man - September 1993


10 years punctuated with misgivings, breaks, personnel changes and restucturing (2 CDs ”Live 1984” and “Le Retour, 1991”) was needed for Quoi de Neuf Docteur to, thanks to fortitude, reach maturity. Birth succeeds genesis who, if the promises it held weren’t so blatant, results in the exemplary En Attendant La Pluie (Waiting For Rain), recently recorded live from Radio France. In short, the “Qoui de Neuf Docteur” 93 version is as high quality as foresaw the earlier version. A surprising CD which permits Berg to rub with African rhythms, joined by bel canto and Monk, with a humoristic and scoffing background. All these encounters, displayed by the remarkable precision and control of the band, make this one of the most open and captivating musical adventures of the moment. Maybe the years to come won’t be as black as one would think. What’s Up Doc? Everything’s cool. Xavier Mattyssens

The writing of Serge Adam has become more mature, more complex. He favors harmonic intervals dear to Monk (and not only in Reflexions on Epistrophy), proceeds with uncommon rhythmic accumulations and refuses melodic facility. Even so, the music of Quoi de Neuf Docteur is easy to listen to. Among the soloists, let me note Claude Egea, Claus Stötter, Charles Schneider, Denis Leloup, Benoit Delbecq and the faithful Philippe Sellam, present since1984. Quoi de Neuf has reached cruising speed, its most interesting form; Zappa could easily have passed by, the Vienna Art seems to appear and Serge Adam follows his path with savage willingness that’s far from being the least of the talents heard on this album. Sylvain Siclier
Le Monde Sept. 16, 1993 Télérama April 1993
The solid and Mingus-like group of Serge Adam has a very recognizable dynamic with many ideas in its compositions (Reflections on Epistrophy) and in its treatment. Its latest CD (En Attendant la Pluie) has a lot of class. Francis Marmande Intersecting several styles of current groups, the big band Quoi de Neuf Docteur, under the direction of Serge Adam creates “Annabelle”, a composition of its director, awarded by a jury presided over by Mathias Rüegg, the hard to please man of the Vienna Art Orches. Michel Contat
Compact Disc Magazine march 1994 Jazz Hot, July-August 1994
The Quoi de Neuf Docteur big band assembles, with the compositions and arrangements of its director Serge Adam, a solid team of young musicians eager to work together in a big band. Their motivation is able to express itself through the music of Serge Adam who, while ingeniously combining force and finesse, supports yet lets the soloists (among whom let me mention the saxophonists Charles Schneider and Philippe Sellam, the pianist Benoit Delbecq, the tombonist Denis Leloup and the singer Annick Tangorra) take their own initiatives. Down the fascinating path they take us, one can hear traces of Thelonious Monk ”Karting” seems to extend directly from “Reflexions on Epistrophy” that preceeds) as well as those of the modern Vienna School that leads from Schoenberg to the Vienna Art Orchestra (”Annabelle” is in this sense a great success). Finally, don’t forget the pigmy chants in the main piece that give the CD its title (the voice of Annick Tangorra goes from one hemisphere to another with amazing facility). All of these changes in musical colors constantly surprise us and permanently maintain the dynamics of the ensemble. En Attendant la pluie is certainly one of the most interesting acomplishments recently offered by a big band. Michel Paquie This big band with the rather classical approach seems to have been colored by the art of Vienna. This contemporary music written by Serge Adam, ripened for 10 years, is as remarkable through the talent that serves it (Denis Leloup, Philippe Sellam, Claude Egea, etc.) as the eagerness given by its director. En Attendant la Pluie invites us to dance; it’s about open and lively music. Robert Peyrillou